Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator is your free online calculator to calculate percentages.

What is % of ?
is what percent of ?
What is the percentage increase or decrease
from to ?


Instructions: On your keyboard, please use tab to move to the next field, shift-tab to move to the previous field, and enter to get the answer. Cookies are used to ensure that you get the best experience from our Percentage Calculator. © 2022 All rights reserved.

What is the Percentage?

Our percentage calculator is ideal for basic and advanced calculations. Simply input two values, press the “Answer” button and the result will appear in the third field. It’s user-friendly and easy to use. Percentages in mathematics are a way to express the relationship between two numbers as a fraction of 100. Denoted by the symbol “%” or “percent/pct,” percentages are just one of several methods for representing dimensions, along with ratios, decimals, and fractions.

Value from Percentage

To calculate the value based on the percentage, we use a simple formula V = P% * X. For example, to calculate 15% of 160, we can use the formula mentioned above. Here are the steps:

(1) In our formula, V = P% * X, we have P as 15% and X as 160

(2) Plug in values in the formula, we have, V = 15% * 160

(3) The decimal form of 15% is 0.15

(4) V = 0.15 * 160 = 24

(5) Hence, 15% of 160 is 24.

Using the Percentage Calculator

You need to input ’15’ in the first field and ‘160’ in the second field. If you press the “Answer” button, the calculator will return 24, which is the same value we got from our calculation.

Converting value to a percentage

There are numerous ways of calculating the percentage of a number. The easiest of all presents the percentage as P = (X1/X2) * 100. This mathematical expression is read as X1 is P percent of X2. For example, to find

For example, to find out 45 is what percent of 300, we use the formula P = (X1/X2) * 100. Here are the steps:

(1) In our formula, P = (X1/X2) * 100, we have X1 as 45 and X2 as 300

(2) Plug-in values in the formula, we have, P = (45/300) * 100

(3) 45/300 is 0.15

(4) Convert 0.15 to the percentage as 0.15*100 = 15%

(5) Hence, 45 is 15% of 300.

Using the Percentage Calculator

You need to input ’45’ in the first field and ‘300’ in the second field. If you press the “Answer” button, the calculator will return 15, which is the same value we got from our calculation.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

To express an increase or decrease of a quantity in terms of percentage, the difference between two values is calculated and expressed relative to the initial value. The formula used is the absolute value of the difference divided by the initial value, multiplied by 100. The result is represented with a ‘+’ sign for the increase and a ‘-‘ sign for the decrease.

Example- Increase

For example, if the price of a product has increased from $150 to $180, what is the percentage change? To solve this, we use the formula, P = ((V2-V1)/V1) *100. Here are the steps:

(1) In our formula, P = ((V2-V1)/V1) *100, we have V2 as 180, V1 as 150
(2) Plug-in values in the formula, we have P = (180-150)/150 *100
(3) P = 0.2 * 100 = 20%
(4) Hence, the price of the product has increased by 20%.

Using the Percentage Calculator

You need to input ‘150’ in the first field and ‘180’ in the second field. If you press the “Answer” button, the calculator will return 20, which is the same value we got from our calculation.

Example- Decrease

For example, if the price of a product has decreased from $200 to $150, what is the percentage decrease? To solve this, we use the formula, P = ((V2-V1)/V1) *100. Here are the steps:

(1) In our formula, P = ((V2-V1)/V1) *100, we have V2 as 150, V1 as 200
(2) Plug-in values in the formula, we have P = (150-200)/200 *100
(3) P = -0.25 * 100 = -25%
(4) Hence, the price of the product has decreased by 25%.

Using the Percentage Calculator

You need to input ‘200’ in the first field and ‘150’ in the second field. If you press the “Answer” button, the calculator will return -25, which is the same value we got from our calculation.